Providing you with the latest innovation in automatic scoring. synthetic lanes. 24V Pinsetters. bowling graphics. 10 Pin. bowling alley modernization. mini bowling. duckpin. bowling furniture. residential bowling. new centers. masking units.
US Bowling is the industry leader
in bowling equipment manufacturing and installation
US Bowling Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality bowling equipment and bowling product solutions for today’s bowling entertainment industry. Since 1959, we have been building new bowling centers in the United States and are now the largest independent manufacturer and supplier of new bowling equipment throughout the world. With our years of experience, you can trust us to assist you with your bowling equipment layout, reviewing your bowling alley business plan and analyzing your architectural plans to optimize traffic flow and revenue.
US Bowling is always on the cutting edge of innovation. Our growing product line includes Duck Pin Bowling, Rollerball Mini Bowling, Home Bowling, Pulse Scoring Entertainment System and our exclusive State of the Art 24 Volt Sting Pin Pinsetter.
Whether you’re starting a bowling alley, building a family entertainment center, modernizing an older alley or installing home bowling lanes, you can rely on US Bowling to assist you with the proper planning, building and electrical specifications, architectural designs and new bowling equipment. It’s easy when partnering with US Bowling Corporation—the world’s very best!
Contact us today (909) 548-0644 or